Yes to ICP! It's the most underestimated and overlooked part of the whole process. It's SO CRAZY TO ME that we give this surface attention and then forge ahead- only to find out that EVERYTHING ELSE falls apart completely with the wrong ICP.

It also drives me completely batty that people haven't realized the power of a PODCAST to activate your ICP. We try to abstract and analyze- do anything and everything we can to identify without speaking to the people themselves!

In grade school, we learned the fun saying about what happens when you ASSUME... you make an ass out of u and me! This couldn't be more relevant here.

I worked with a Saas group who *thought* they knew their ICP really well and did something about it. They started interviewing them on a podcast. Their research had said that A, B or C championed the deal toward success each time. Guess what happened? They realized that they were completely wrong about it. By talking to A, B and C types on their pod, they learned about a mysterious department in the organization (we'll call em option D) that were their biggest fans and internal advocates every time!! And when they zeroed in on that ICP the results were freaking mind blowing!

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Podcasts can be such an important tool for reaching your ICP!

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